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Read the Novel “Sons of the Dawn: A Basque Odyssey” here by Hank Nuwer

Read the Novel “Sons of the Dawn: A Basque Odyssey” here by Hank Nuwer

                                                        FINAL COPY                                                   Sons of the Dawn                                By Hank Nuwer                               A novel of Old Nevada   z           “Better...
A Victim Accuses His Killer Before Dying

A Victim Accuses His Killer Before Dying

By Hank Nuwer    A miner from Greece lay mortally wounded in the brush at Cordova on September 27, 1914.                   The victim called to a startled passerby. “I’ll give you five dollars if you help me to the hospital,” he said.                   The passerby...
Alaskan Coal Mutiny of 1911 (by Hank Nuwer)

Alaskan Coal Mutiny of 1911 (by Hank Nuwer)

  If the citizens of Cordova of 1911 were to adopt a slogan, it might be “Take this coal and shove it.”                   And shove it or, more accurately, shovel it they did—by the ton.                   The brouhaha began back in 1906. President Teddy Roosevelt’s...
The Vigilantes and the Crooked Sheriff

The Vigilantes and the Crooked Sheriff

A Dirty Lawman Gets a Second Chance By Hank Nuwer                     Blackford County Sheriff Ira M. Barton was 49 when a photo of him with wide, hooded eyes appeared in a Muncie newspaper on December 29, 1931. A headline read “Jailed!”                   A...
Expatriate Games

Expatriate Games

Seven to nine years ago, I commuted from the U.S. to Poland to court my now-wife Gosia, and she did the same in reverse, meeting me by turns in Alaska and Indiana. We were good friends for two years before getting hitched, although I assure you that we both were...