by Hank Nuwer | May 30, 2024 | Uncategorized
Photo: the late former Florence Livingston Thurman Livingston, 12, and his sister Florence, 8, were typical kids enjoying life on a farm northeast of Union City. On Aug. 30, 1936, around 10 a.m., they decided to build a fire in the woods near their home. Thurman, a...
by Hank Nuwer | May 22, 2024 | Uncategorized
by Hank Nuwer Moose in Alaska are everywhere. You can’t escape them. When my wife Gosia and I take our favorite daily stroll through the University of Alaska’s splendid botanical gardens, we keep a wary eye out for the critters who come out of the...
by Hank Nuwer | May 10, 2024 | Uncategorized
Gaza protests at U.S. campuses took me back to memories of 1978 when I covered demonstrations by Minnesota farmers protesting a powerline being put up by the Cooperative Power Association (CPA). I donned suit and tie to interview CPA executives who defended their...
by Hank Nuwer | May 4, 2024 | Uncategorized
Hank Nuwer Feature Writing essay from the book Real Feature Writing by Abraham Aamidor When editors confront a writer whose feature stalled, they often say that the ailing story needs better flow and detail. In other words, they give writing suggestions that...
by Hank Nuwer | May 2, 2024 | Uncategorized
Far from Randolph County: Publishing is like writing against the wind (First published in the Winchester News-Gazette, May 2, 2024 When I go to parties, I’m the least likely guest to don a lampshade for attention. Chances are you’ll find me by my lonesome in the...